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of Surrey

Centre for Satellite Engineering Research


Satellite Access in FPLMTS

PhD Thesis

Robert J Finean

May 1996



This thesis demonstrated why satellite access to third generation mobile systems will be valuable and how the UMTS Network Architecture developed in Europe can support satellites and their spectrally efficient channel assignment schemes. It also predicted the need for third generation applications to adapt to the wide range of communication facilities available depending on their terminal's environment and for B-ISDN to have protocols enabling this adaptation in mobile networks.

Original ideas included:

  • Clearly defined valuable roles that satellites will play in accessing 3G networks (this is particularly interesting following Iridium's bankruptcy then ICO's and Globalstar's merging with McCaw's cellular interests)
  • Giving the FES the pivotal role of guaranteeing communications with mobile terminals in a rigidly defined geographic area
  • Developing the UMTS network architecture to allow network designers the freedom to implement the FES to mobile terminals communications in any way
  • Developing the UMTS network architecture to allow FESs to control handovers within their geographic service area in a pre-emptive way, based on predictable satellite motion and traffic distribution (this is how ICO works)
  • A detailed study of the performance of DCA algorithms in these non-GEO satellite networks (such dynamic schemes are still not deployed in systems like ICO, which use more conservative spectrum planning)
  • Recognition that UMTS cannot offer 2Mbit/s service at a marketable price in all environments and that UMTS applications will have to adapt to varying grades of communication services during a call. ("Teletext" versions of some websites were launched for i-Mode and WAP but such rewriting of web pages for mobile channels has not been a successful example of how 3G phones will interwork with the desktop Internet applications that people are familiar with. Even in 2001 there was still a disturbing amount of hype regarding the capabilities of mobile and satellite access in the marketplace: Pogo took the initiative to bridge the gap between what mobile customers want from their phone/PDA and what even pre-GPRS GSM networks could deliver.)



Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1. Outline of Thesis
1.2. Original Achievements

Chapter 2 What are FPLMTS?
2.1. Cordless, Cellular and Mobile Satellite Systems
2.3. UPT and the IN
2.4. Multi-Tier Air Interfaces
2.5. Satellite Service Bandwidths

Chapter 3 Role of Satellite Access
3.1. Coverage of Rural Areas
3.2. Guaranteeing Roll-out FPLMTS Coverage
3.3. In-fill for Low Density Population Areas
3.4. Overflow Traffic from Terrestrial Network "Hot Spots"
3.5. Satellite Paging for Terrestrial Networks
3.6. Summary of Satellite Roles

Chapter 4 FPLMTS Space Segment
4.1. FPLMTS Time Scale
4.2. Satellite Coverage
4.3. Orbits
4.4. Spot Beams
4.5. Distribution of Switching and Control
4.6. Capacities, Services and Costs

Chapter 5 UMTS Network Architecture
5.1. The UMTS Network Architecture
5.2. Justification
5.3. Operators in Satellite Access
5.4. Managing non-GEO Satellite Motion
5.5. FES Coverage
5.6. Examples of FES Coverage
5.7. Conclusions for Satellites

Chapter 6 UMTS Mobility Management
6.1. Terminal and User Registration
6.2. Location Update
6.3. Attach/Detach
6.4. Call Set-up
6.5. Satellite Handover

Chapter 7 Satellite Channel Assignment
7.1. Satellite FPLMTS and Cellular Radio
7.2. FDMA, TDMA and CDMA
7.3. Satellite Channel Assignment
7.4. Need for Frequency Guard Bands
7.5. Design Objectives
7.6. Satellite System Model
7.7. Fixed Frequency Re-use Planning
7.8. Dynamic Channel Assignment
7.9. DCA Aided by Bulletin Boards
7.10. Hybrid Schemes
7.11. DCA as a Means of Enabling Band Sharing Between Networks

Chapter 8 UMTS Application Support
8.1. Voice Telephony in Today's Networks
8.2. Layered Communications Protocols
8.3. Second Generation Facsimile Support
8.4. ISDN
8.5. B-ISDN
8.6. Mobile Multimedia
8.7. Future Work

Chapter 9 Conclusions
9.1. Satellite Radio Interfaces
9.2. Standard UMTS Network Architecture
9.3. Terminal's Applications' User Interfaces
9.4. Towards the Integrated Broadband Communications Network

By the Same Author

Appendix A DCA Simulation Model
A.1. Aims
A.2. Model Employed
A.3. Simulation Results
A.4. Summary of Results

Appendix B Single Channel Receiver DCA Simulation
B.1. System Capacity
B.2. Handover Interruptions

Appendix C Dual Channel Receiver DCA Simulation
C.1. System Capacity
C.2. Handover Delays




© 2001 Dr Robert J Finean

D SIGN v. create something beautiful

ENGINEERING v. create something innovative